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Rin Magz - Responsive Blogger Template

Rin Magz

Google Testing Tool ValidatorTrue Cek
Mobile FriendlyTrue Cek
Top Menu NavigationTrue
Mega Menu NavigationTrue
Breaking NewsTrue
Owl SliderTrue
Recent Post SliderTrue
Breadcrumbs SEO FriendlyTrue
Rainbow Post InfoTrue
Social Media WidgetTrue
3 Tabs Sidebar WidgetTrue
Sticky WidgetTrue
Recent Post with ThumbnailTrue
Subscribe BoxTrue
Footer 3 ColumnTrue
Author BoxTrue
Related PostTrue
Emoji EmoticonTrue
Full SupportPremium Only
Original JavascriptPremium Only
Support UpdatePremium Only
And Much More...Yes

Support Template Update
Remove Footer Credits
For Unlimited Domains
No Encrypted Scripts
And Many More...

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